My Ip Address And Dns Server
It's important to correctly configure your DNS settings to resolve the private endpoint IP address to the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the connection string.
WHOIS & DNS Lookup. Networking Tools More Info About You Port Scanners Traceroute HTTP Compression Ping WHOIS & DNS Website Rankings IP Location HTTP Headers Text Related Tools HTML Characters String & Timestamps Hash Generator Hash Lookup Text Case Changer Regexp Tester String Encoding Password Generator Upside-Down Text Text to Code Ratio. DNS Lookup is an online tool that will find the IP address and perform a deep DNS lookup of any URL, providing in-depth details on common record types, like A, MX, NS, SOA, and TXT. Directly type or copy and paste a URL (with or without http/https) in the form field above, click ' Lookup,' and learn the IP address and DNS information for that. DNS Lookup tool shows your domain name complete DNS information such as A record, MX record, IP Address, CNAME, TXT Record, and Domain Name Servers. It reads the IP address from the DNS record and passed it to our browser. The web browser will connect to the web server associated with the A records IP and display the website. The entire lookup process, from start to finish, takes only milliseconds to complete.
Existing Microsoft Azure services might already have a DNS configuration for a public endpoint. This configuration must be overridden to connect using your private endpoint.
The network interface associated with the private endpoint contains the information to configure your DNS. The network interface information includes FQDN and private IP addresses for your private link resource.
You can use the following options to configure your DNS settings for private endpoints:
- Use the host file (only recommended for testing). You can use the host file on a virtual machine to override the DNS.
- Use a private DNS zone. You can use private DNS zones to override the DNS resolution for a private endpoint. A private DNS zone can be linked to your virtual network to resolve specific domains.
- Use your DNS forwarder (optional). You can use your DNS forwarder to override the DNS resolution for a private link resource. Create a DNS forwarding rule to use a private DNS zone on your DNS server hosted in a virtual network.
The map app is part of Airtable Apps, a Pro plan feature. Apps let you extend the functionality of your bases: you can use apps to bring new information into Airtable, visualize and summarize your records in colorful ways, and even directly integrate your Airtable bases with your favorite apps. Using Airtable to store addresses, manage properties, track points of interest, or plan out your next vacation? See how your records fit into the world with a map app. If you have a field containing addresses or coordinates, the map app allows you to plot your records on one of three different kinds of maps. Airtable maps. Airtable Apps give you a creative palette of app-like functionality that you can mix and match to create the perfect workflow for your team. Matrix Prioritize features by impact, effort, risk and more on a 2D grid. Org chart Find the right org structure for the roadmap.
Is not recommended to override a zone that's actively in use to resolve public endpoints. Connections to resources won't be able to resolve correctly without DNS forwarding to the public DNS. To avoid issues, create a different domain name or follow the suggested name for each service below.
Azure services DNS zone configuration
Azure creates a canonical name DNS record (CNAME) on the public DNS. The CNAME record redirects the resolution to the private domain name. You can override the resolution with the private IP address of your private endpoints.
Your applications don't need to change the connection URL. When resolving to a public DNS service, the DNS server will resolve to your private endpoints. The process doesn't affect your existing applications.
Private networks already using the private DNS zone for a given type, can only connect to public resources if they don't have any private endpoint connections, otherwise a corresponding DNS configuration is required on the private DNS zone in order to complete the DNS resolution sequence.
What Is My IP Address - Check Your Public IPv4 And IPv6
For Azure services, use the recommended zone names as described in the following table:
Private link resource type / Subresource | Private DNS zone name | Public DNS zone forwarders |
Azure Automation / (Microsoft.Automation/automationAccounts) / Webhook, DSCAndHybridWorker | privatelink.azure-automation.net | azure-automation.net |
Azure SQL Database (Microsoft.Sql/servers) / sqlServer | privatelink.database.windows.net | database.windows.net |
Azure Synapse Analytics (Microsoft.Sql/servers) / sqlServer | privatelink.database.windows.net | database.windows.net |
Azure Synapse Analytics (Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces) / Sql | privatelink.sql.azuresynapse.net | sql.azuresynapse.net |
Storage account (Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts) / Blob (blob, blob_secondary) | privatelink.blob.core.windows.net | blob.core.windows.net |
Storage account (Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts) / Table (table, table_secondary) | privatelink.table.core.windows.net | table.core.windows.net |
Storage account (Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts) / Queue (queue, queue_secondary) | privatelink.queue.core.windows.net | queue.core.windows.net |
Storage account (Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts) / File (file, file_secondary) | privatelink.file.core.windows.net | file.core.windows.net |
Storage account (Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts) / Web (web, web_secondary) | privatelink.web.core.windows.net | web.core.windows.net |
Azure Data Lake File System Gen2 (Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts) / Data Lake File System Gen2 (dfs, dfs_secondary) | privatelink.dfs.core.windows.net | dfs.core.windows.net |
Azure Cosmos DB (Microsoft.AzureCosmosDB/databaseAccounts) / SQL | privatelink.documents.azure.com | documents.azure.com |
Azure Cosmos DB (Microsoft.AzureCosmosDB/databaseAccounts) / MongoDB | privatelink.mongo.cosmos.azure.com | mongo.cosmos.azure.com |
Azure Cosmos DB (Microsoft.AzureCosmosDB/databaseAccounts) / Cassandra | privatelink.cassandra.cosmos.azure.com | cassandra.cosmos.azure.com |
Azure Cosmos DB (Microsoft.AzureCosmosDB/databaseAccounts) / Gremlin | privatelink.gremlin.cosmos.azure.com | gremlin.cosmos.azure.com |
Azure Cosmos DB (Microsoft.AzureCosmosDB/databaseAccounts) / Table | privatelink.table.cosmos.azure.com | table.cosmos.azure.com |
Azure Database for PostgreSQL - Single server (Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/servers) / postgresqlServer | privatelink.postgres.database.azure.com | postgres.database.azure.com |
Azure Database for MySQL (Microsoft.DBforMySQL/servers) / mysqlServer | privatelink.mysql.database.azure.com | mysql.database.azure.com |
Azure Database for MariaDB (Microsoft.DBforMariaDB/servers) / mariadbServer | privatelink.mariadb.database.azure.com | mariadb.database.azure.com |
Azure Key Vault (Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults) / vault | privatelink.vaultcore.azure.net | vault.azure.net vaultcore.azure.net |
Azure Kubernetes Service - Kubernetes API (Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters) / management | privatelink.{region}.azmk8s.io | {region}.azmk8s.io |
Azure Search (Microsoft.Search/searchServices) / searchService | privatelink.search.windows.net | search.windows.net |
Azure Container Registry (Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries) / registry | privatelink.azurecr.io | azurecr.io |
Azure App Configuration (Microsoft.AppConfiguration/configurationStores) / configurationStores | privatelink.azconfig.io | azconfig.io |
Azure Backup (Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults) / vault | privatelink.{region}.backup.windowsazure.com | {region}.backup.windowsazure.com |
Azure Site Recovery (Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults) / vault | {region}.privatelink.siterecovery.windowsazure.com | {region}.hypervrecoverymanager.windowsazure.com |
Azure Event Hubs (Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces) / namespace | privatelink.servicebus.windows.net | servicebus.windows.net |
Azure Service Bus (Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces) / namespace | privatelink.servicebus.windows.net | servicebus.windows.net |
Azure IoT Hub (Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs) / iotHub | privatelink.azure-devices.net privatelink.servicebus.windows.net1 | azure-devices.net servicebus.windows.net |
Azure Relay (Microsoft.Relay/namespaces) / namespace | privatelink.servicebus.windows.net | servicebus.windows.net |
Azure Event Grid (Microsoft.EventGrid/topics) / topic | privatelink.eventgrid.azure.net | eventgrid.azure.net |
Azure Event Grid (Microsoft.EventGrid/domains) / domain | privatelink.eventgrid.azure.net | eventgrid.azure.net |
Azure Web Apps (Microsoft.Web/sites) / sites | privatelink.azurewebsites.net | azurewebsites.net |
Azure Machine Learning (Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces) / amlworkspace | privatelink.api.azureml.ms privatelink.notebooks.azure.net | api.azureml.ms notebooks.azure.net instances.azureml.ms aznbcontent.net |
SignalR (Microsoft.SignalRService/SignalR) / signalR | privatelink.service.signalr.net | service.signalr.net |
Azure Monitor (Microsoft.Insights/privateLinkScopes) / azuremonitor | privatelink.monitor.azure.com privatelink.oms.opinsights.azure.com privatelink.ods.opinsights.azure.com privatelink.agentsvc.azure-automation.net | monitor.azure.com oms.opinsights.azure.com ods.opinsights.azure.com agentsvc.azure-automation.net |
Cognitive Services (Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts) / account | privatelink.cognitiveservices.azure.com | cognitiveservices.azure.com |
Azure File Sync (Microsoft.StorageSync/storageSyncServices) / afs | privatelink.afs.azure.net | afs.azure.net |
Azure Data Factory (Microsoft.DataFactory/factories) / dataFactory | privatelink.datafactory.azure.net | datafactory.azure.net |
Azure Data Factory (Microsoft.DataFactory/factories) / portal | privatelink.adf.azure.com | adf.azure.com |
Azure Cache for Redis (Microsoft.Cache/Redis) / redisCache | privatelink.redis.cache.windows.net | redis.cache.windows.net |
1To use with IoT Hub's built-in Event Hub compatible endpoint. To learn more, see private link support for IoT Hub's built-in endpoint
Private link resource type / Subresource | Private DNS zone name | Public DNS zone forwarders |
Azure SQL Database (Microsoft.Sql/servers) / SQL Server | privatelink.database.chinacloudapi.cn | database.chinacloudapi.cn |
Azure Cosmos DB (Microsoft.AzureCosmosDB/databaseAccounts) / SQL | privatelink.documents.azure.cn | documents.azure.cn |
Azure Cosmos DB (Microsoft.AzureCosmosDB/databaseAccounts) / MongoDB | privatelink.mongo.cosmos.azure.cn | mongo.cosmos.azure.cn |
Azure Cosmos DB (Microsoft.AzureCosmosDB/databaseAccounts) / Cassandra | privatelink.cassandra.cosmos.azure.cn | cassandra.cosmos.azure.cn |
Azure Cosmos DB (Microsoft.AzureCosmosDB/databaseAccounts) / Gremlin | privatelink.gremlin.cosmos.azure.cn | gremlin.cosmos.azure.cn |
Azure Cosmos DB (Microsoft.AzureCosmosDB/databaseAccounts) / Table | privatelink.table.cosmos.azure.cn | table.cosmos.azure.cn |
Azure Database for PostgreSQL - Single server (Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/servers) / postgresqlServer | privatelink.postgres.database.chinacloudapi.cn | postgres.database.chinacloudapi.cn |
Azure Database for MySQL (Microsoft.DBforMySQL/servers) / mysqlServer | privatelink.mysql.database.chinacloudapi.cn | mysql.database.chinacloudapi.cn |
Azure Database for MariaDB (Microsoft.DBforMariaDB/servers) / mariadbServer | privatelink.mariadb.database.chinacloudapi.cn | mariadb.database.chinacloudapi.cn |
DNS configuration scenarios
The FQDN of the services resolves automatically to a public IP address. To resolve to the private IP address of the private endpoint, change your DNS configuration.
DNS is a critical component to make the application work correctly by successfully resolving the private endpoint IP address.
Based on your preferences, the following scenarios are available with DNS resolution integrated:
Azure Firewall DNS proxy can be used as DNS forwarder for On-premises workloads and Virtual network workloads using a DNS forwarder.
Virtual network workloads without custom DNS server
This configuration is appropriate for virtual network workloads without a custom DNS server. In this scenario, the client queries for the private endpoint IP address to the Azure-provided DNS service Azure DNS will be responsible for DNS resolution of the private DNS zones.
My Ip And Dns
This scenario uses the Azure SQL Database-recommended private DNS zone. For other services, you can adjust the model using the following reference: Azure services DNS zone configuration.
To configure properly, you need the following resources:
Client virtual network
Private DNS zone privatelink.database.windows.net with type A record
Private endpoint information (FQDN record name and private IP address)
The following screenshot illustrates the DNS resolution sequence from virtual network workloads using the private DNS zone:
You can extend this model to peered virtual networks associated to the same private endpoint. Add new virtual network links to the private DNS zone for all peered virtual networks.
Best vpn to hide ip address. One of the Best VPN Software providers that have been unsuccessfully blocked in several countries. However, ExpressVPN works like clockwork everywhere. ExpressVPN attributed the success of the bypass blocking to the fact that users are authenticated on different servers.
A single private DNS zone is required for this configuration. Creating multiple zones with the same name for different virtual networks would need manual operations to merge the DNS records.
If you're using a private endpoint in a hub-and-spoke model from a different subscription, reuse the same private DNS zone on the hub.
In this scenario, there's a hub and spoke networking topology. The spoke networks share a private endpoint. The spoke virtual networks are linked to the same private DNS zone.
On-premises workloads using a DNS forwarder
For on-premises workloads to resolve the FQDN of a private endpoint, use a DNS forwarder to resolve the Azure service public DNS zone in Azure.
The following scenario is for an on-premises network that has a DNS forwarder in Azure. This forwarder resolves DNS queries via a server-level forwarder to the Azure provided DNS
This scenario uses the Azure SQL Database-recommended private DNS zone. For other services, you can adjust the model using the following reference: Azure services DNS zone configuration.
To configure properly, you need the following resources:
- On-premises network
- Virtual network connected to on-premises
- DNS forwarder deployed in Azure
- Private DNS zones privatelink.database.windows.net with type A record
- Private endpoint information (FQDN record name and private IP address)
The following diagram illustrates the DNS resolution sequence from an on-premises network. The configuration uses a DNS forwarder deployed in Azure. The resolution is made by a private DNS zone linked to a virtual network:
This configuration can be extended for an on-premises network that already has a DNS solution in place. The on-premises DNS solution is configured to forward DNS traffic to Azure DNS via a conditional forwarder. The conditional forwarder references the DNS forwarder deployed in Azure.
This scenario uses the Azure SQL Database-recommended private DNS zone. For other services, you can adjust the model using the following reference: Azure services DNS zone configuration
To configure properly, you need the following resources:
- On-premises network with a custom DNS solution in place
- Virtual network connected to on-premises
- DNS forwarder deployed in Azure
- Private DNS zones privatelink.database.windows.net with type A record
- Private endpoint information (FQDN record name and private IP address)
The following diagram illustrates the DNS resolution from an on-premises network. DNS resolution is conditionally forwarded to Azure. The resolution is made by a private DNS zone linked to a virtual network.
The conditional forwarding must be made to the recommended public DNS zone forwarder. For example: database.windows.net
instead of privatelink.database.windows.net.
Virtual network and on-premises workloads using a DNS forwarder
For workloads accessing a private endpoint from virtual and on-premises networks, use a DNS forwarder to resolve the Azure service public DNS zone deployed in Azure.
The following scenario is for an on-premises network with virtual networks in Azure. Both networks access the private endpoint located in a shared hub network.
This DNS forwarder is responsible for resolving all the DNS queries via a server-level forwarder to the Azure-provided DNS service
A single private DNS zone is required for this configuration. All client connections made from on-premises and peered virtual networks must also use the same private DNS zone.
This scenario uses the Azure SQL Database-recommended private DNS zone. For other services, you can adjust the model using the following reference: Azure services DNS zone configuration.
To configure properly, you need the following resources:
Existing Microsoft Azure services might already have a DNS configuration for a public endpoint. This configuration must be overridden to connect using your private endpoint.
The network interface associated with the private endpoint contains the information to configure your DNS. The network interface information includes FQDN and private IP addresses for your private link resource.
You can use the following options to configure your DNS settings for private endpoints:
- Use the host file (only recommended for testing). You can use the host file on a virtual machine to override the DNS.
- Use a private DNS zone. You can use private DNS zones to override the DNS resolution for a private endpoint. A private DNS zone can be linked to your virtual network to resolve specific domains.
- Use your DNS forwarder (optional). You can use your DNS forwarder to override the DNS resolution for a private link resource. Create a DNS forwarding rule to use a private DNS zone on your DNS server hosted in a virtual network.
The map app is part of Airtable Apps, a Pro plan feature. Apps let you extend the functionality of your bases: you can use apps to bring new information into Airtable, visualize and summarize your records in colorful ways, and even directly integrate your Airtable bases with your favorite apps. Using Airtable to store addresses, manage properties, track points of interest, or plan out your next vacation? See how your records fit into the world with a map app. If you have a field containing addresses or coordinates, the map app allows you to plot your records on one of three different kinds of maps. Airtable maps. Airtable Apps give you a creative palette of app-like functionality that you can mix and match to create the perfect workflow for your team. Matrix Prioritize features by impact, effort, risk and more on a 2D grid. Org chart Find the right org structure for the roadmap.
Is not recommended to override a zone that's actively in use to resolve public endpoints. Connections to resources won't be able to resolve correctly without DNS forwarding to the public DNS. To avoid issues, create a different domain name or follow the suggested name for each service below.
Azure services DNS zone configuration
Azure creates a canonical name DNS record (CNAME) on the public DNS. The CNAME record redirects the resolution to the private domain name. You can override the resolution with the private IP address of your private endpoints.
Your applications don't need to change the connection URL. When resolving to a public DNS service, the DNS server will resolve to your private endpoints. The process doesn't affect your existing applications.
Private networks already using the private DNS zone for a given type, can only connect to public resources if they don't have any private endpoint connections, otherwise a corresponding DNS configuration is required on the private DNS zone in order to complete the DNS resolution sequence.
What Is My IP Address - Check Your Public IPv4 And IPv6
For Azure services, use the recommended zone names as described in the following table:
Private link resource type / Subresource | Private DNS zone name | Public DNS zone forwarders |
Azure Automation / (Microsoft.Automation/automationAccounts) / Webhook, DSCAndHybridWorker | privatelink.azure-automation.net | azure-automation.net |
Azure SQL Database (Microsoft.Sql/servers) / sqlServer | privatelink.database.windows.net | database.windows.net |
Azure Synapse Analytics (Microsoft.Sql/servers) / sqlServer | privatelink.database.windows.net | database.windows.net |
Azure Synapse Analytics (Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces) / Sql | privatelink.sql.azuresynapse.net | sql.azuresynapse.net |
Storage account (Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts) / Blob (blob, blob_secondary) | privatelink.blob.core.windows.net | blob.core.windows.net |
Storage account (Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts) / Table (table, table_secondary) | privatelink.table.core.windows.net | table.core.windows.net |
Storage account (Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts) / Queue (queue, queue_secondary) | privatelink.queue.core.windows.net | queue.core.windows.net |
Storage account (Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts) / File (file, file_secondary) | privatelink.file.core.windows.net | file.core.windows.net |
Storage account (Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts) / Web (web, web_secondary) | privatelink.web.core.windows.net | web.core.windows.net |
Azure Data Lake File System Gen2 (Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts) / Data Lake File System Gen2 (dfs, dfs_secondary) | privatelink.dfs.core.windows.net | dfs.core.windows.net |
Azure Cosmos DB (Microsoft.AzureCosmosDB/databaseAccounts) / SQL | privatelink.documents.azure.com | documents.azure.com |
Azure Cosmos DB (Microsoft.AzureCosmosDB/databaseAccounts) / MongoDB | privatelink.mongo.cosmos.azure.com | mongo.cosmos.azure.com |
Azure Cosmos DB (Microsoft.AzureCosmosDB/databaseAccounts) / Cassandra | privatelink.cassandra.cosmos.azure.com | cassandra.cosmos.azure.com |
Azure Cosmos DB (Microsoft.AzureCosmosDB/databaseAccounts) / Gremlin | privatelink.gremlin.cosmos.azure.com | gremlin.cosmos.azure.com |
Azure Cosmos DB (Microsoft.AzureCosmosDB/databaseAccounts) / Table | privatelink.table.cosmos.azure.com | table.cosmos.azure.com |
Azure Database for PostgreSQL - Single server (Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/servers) / postgresqlServer | privatelink.postgres.database.azure.com | postgres.database.azure.com |
Azure Database for MySQL (Microsoft.DBforMySQL/servers) / mysqlServer | privatelink.mysql.database.azure.com | mysql.database.azure.com |
Azure Database for MariaDB (Microsoft.DBforMariaDB/servers) / mariadbServer | privatelink.mariadb.database.azure.com | mariadb.database.azure.com |
Azure Key Vault (Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults) / vault | privatelink.vaultcore.azure.net | vault.azure.net vaultcore.azure.net |
Azure Kubernetes Service - Kubernetes API (Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters) / management | privatelink.{region}.azmk8s.io | {region}.azmk8s.io |
Azure Search (Microsoft.Search/searchServices) / searchService | privatelink.search.windows.net | search.windows.net |
Azure Container Registry (Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries) / registry | privatelink.azurecr.io | azurecr.io |
Azure App Configuration (Microsoft.AppConfiguration/configurationStores) / configurationStores | privatelink.azconfig.io | azconfig.io |
Azure Backup (Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults) / vault | privatelink.{region}.backup.windowsazure.com | {region}.backup.windowsazure.com |
Azure Site Recovery (Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults) / vault | {region}.privatelink.siterecovery.windowsazure.com | {region}.hypervrecoverymanager.windowsazure.com |
Azure Event Hubs (Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces) / namespace | privatelink.servicebus.windows.net | servicebus.windows.net |
Azure Service Bus (Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces) / namespace | privatelink.servicebus.windows.net | servicebus.windows.net |
Azure IoT Hub (Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs) / iotHub | privatelink.azure-devices.net privatelink.servicebus.windows.net1 | azure-devices.net servicebus.windows.net |
Azure Relay (Microsoft.Relay/namespaces) / namespace | privatelink.servicebus.windows.net | servicebus.windows.net |
Azure Event Grid (Microsoft.EventGrid/topics) / topic | privatelink.eventgrid.azure.net | eventgrid.azure.net |
Azure Event Grid (Microsoft.EventGrid/domains) / domain | privatelink.eventgrid.azure.net | eventgrid.azure.net |
Azure Web Apps (Microsoft.Web/sites) / sites | privatelink.azurewebsites.net | azurewebsites.net |
Azure Machine Learning (Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces) / amlworkspace | privatelink.api.azureml.ms privatelink.notebooks.azure.net | api.azureml.ms notebooks.azure.net instances.azureml.ms aznbcontent.net |
SignalR (Microsoft.SignalRService/SignalR) / signalR | privatelink.service.signalr.net | service.signalr.net |
Azure Monitor (Microsoft.Insights/privateLinkScopes) / azuremonitor | privatelink.monitor.azure.com privatelink.oms.opinsights.azure.com privatelink.ods.opinsights.azure.com privatelink.agentsvc.azure-automation.net | monitor.azure.com oms.opinsights.azure.com ods.opinsights.azure.com agentsvc.azure-automation.net |
Cognitive Services (Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts) / account | privatelink.cognitiveservices.azure.com | cognitiveservices.azure.com |
Azure File Sync (Microsoft.StorageSync/storageSyncServices) / afs | privatelink.afs.azure.net | afs.azure.net |
Azure Data Factory (Microsoft.DataFactory/factories) / dataFactory | privatelink.datafactory.azure.net | datafactory.azure.net |
Azure Data Factory (Microsoft.DataFactory/factories) / portal | privatelink.adf.azure.com | adf.azure.com |
Azure Cache for Redis (Microsoft.Cache/Redis) / redisCache | privatelink.redis.cache.windows.net | redis.cache.windows.net |
1To use with IoT Hub's built-in Event Hub compatible endpoint. To learn more, see private link support for IoT Hub's built-in endpoint
Private link resource type / Subresource | Private DNS zone name | Public DNS zone forwarders |
Azure SQL Database (Microsoft.Sql/servers) / SQL Server | privatelink.database.chinacloudapi.cn | database.chinacloudapi.cn |
Azure Cosmos DB (Microsoft.AzureCosmosDB/databaseAccounts) / SQL | privatelink.documents.azure.cn | documents.azure.cn |
Azure Cosmos DB (Microsoft.AzureCosmosDB/databaseAccounts) / MongoDB | privatelink.mongo.cosmos.azure.cn | mongo.cosmos.azure.cn |
Azure Cosmos DB (Microsoft.AzureCosmosDB/databaseAccounts) / Cassandra | privatelink.cassandra.cosmos.azure.cn | cassandra.cosmos.azure.cn |
Azure Cosmos DB (Microsoft.AzureCosmosDB/databaseAccounts) / Gremlin | privatelink.gremlin.cosmos.azure.cn | gremlin.cosmos.azure.cn |
Azure Cosmos DB (Microsoft.AzureCosmosDB/databaseAccounts) / Table | privatelink.table.cosmos.azure.cn | table.cosmos.azure.cn |
Azure Database for PostgreSQL - Single server (Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/servers) / postgresqlServer | privatelink.postgres.database.chinacloudapi.cn | postgres.database.chinacloudapi.cn |
Azure Database for MySQL (Microsoft.DBforMySQL/servers) / mysqlServer | privatelink.mysql.database.chinacloudapi.cn | mysql.database.chinacloudapi.cn |
Azure Database for MariaDB (Microsoft.DBforMariaDB/servers) / mariadbServer | privatelink.mariadb.database.chinacloudapi.cn | mariadb.database.chinacloudapi.cn |
DNS configuration scenarios
The FQDN of the services resolves automatically to a public IP address. To resolve to the private IP address of the private endpoint, change your DNS configuration.
DNS is a critical component to make the application work correctly by successfully resolving the private endpoint IP address.
Based on your preferences, the following scenarios are available with DNS resolution integrated:
Azure Firewall DNS proxy can be used as DNS forwarder for On-premises workloads and Virtual network workloads using a DNS forwarder.
Virtual network workloads without custom DNS server
This configuration is appropriate for virtual network workloads without a custom DNS server. In this scenario, the client queries for the private endpoint IP address to the Azure-provided DNS service Azure DNS will be responsible for DNS resolution of the private DNS zones.
My Ip And Dns
This scenario uses the Azure SQL Database-recommended private DNS zone. For other services, you can adjust the model using the following reference: Azure services DNS zone configuration.
To configure properly, you need the following resources:
Client virtual network
Private DNS zone privatelink.database.windows.net with type A record
Private endpoint information (FQDN record name and private IP address)
The following screenshot illustrates the DNS resolution sequence from virtual network workloads using the private DNS zone:
You can extend this model to peered virtual networks associated to the same private endpoint. Add new virtual network links to the private DNS zone for all peered virtual networks.
Best vpn to hide ip address. One of the Best VPN Software providers that have been unsuccessfully blocked in several countries. However, ExpressVPN works like clockwork everywhere. ExpressVPN attributed the success of the bypass blocking to the fact that users are authenticated on different servers.
A single private DNS zone is required for this configuration. Creating multiple zones with the same name for different virtual networks would need manual operations to merge the DNS records.
If you're using a private endpoint in a hub-and-spoke model from a different subscription, reuse the same private DNS zone on the hub.
In this scenario, there's a hub and spoke networking topology. The spoke networks share a private endpoint. The spoke virtual networks are linked to the same private DNS zone.
On-premises workloads using a DNS forwarder
For on-premises workloads to resolve the FQDN of a private endpoint, use a DNS forwarder to resolve the Azure service public DNS zone in Azure.
The following scenario is for an on-premises network that has a DNS forwarder in Azure. This forwarder resolves DNS queries via a server-level forwarder to the Azure provided DNS
This scenario uses the Azure SQL Database-recommended private DNS zone. For other services, you can adjust the model using the following reference: Azure services DNS zone configuration.
To configure properly, you need the following resources:
- On-premises network
- Virtual network connected to on-premises
- DNS forwarder deployed in Azure
- Private DNS zones privatelink.database.windows.net with type A record
- Private endpoint information (FQDN record name and private IP address)
The following diagram illustrates the DNS resolution sequence from an on-premises network. The configuration uses a DNS forwarder deployed in Azure. The resolution is made by a private DNS zone linked to a virtual network:
This configuration can be extended for an on-premises network that already has a DNS solution in place. The on-premises DNS solution is configured to forward DNS traffic to Azure DNS via a conditional forwarder. The conditional forwarder references the DNS forwarder deployed in Azure.
This scenario uses the Azure SQL Database-recommended private DNS zone. For other services, you can adjust the model using the following reference: Azure services DNS zone configuration
To configure properly, you need the following resources:
- On-premises network with a custom DNS solution in place
- Virtual network connected to on-premises
- DNS forwarder deployed in Azure
- Private DNS zones privatelink.database.windows.net with type A record
- Private endpoint information (FQDN record name and private IP address)
The following diagram illustrates the DNS resolution from an on-premises network. DNS resolution is conditionally forwarded to Azure. The resolution is made by a private DNS zone linked to a virtual network.
The conditional forwarding must be made to the recommended public DNS zone forwarder. For example: database.windows.net
instead of privatelink.database.windows.net.
Virtual network and on-premises workloads using a DNS forwarder
For workloads accessing a private endpoint from virtual and on-premises networks, use a DNS forwarder to resolve the Azure service public DNS zone deployed in Azure.
The following scenario is for an on-premises network with virtual networks in Azure. Both networks access the private endpoint located in a shared hub network.
This DNS forwarder is responsible for resolving all the DNS queries via a server-level forwarder to the Azure-provided DNS service
A single private DNS zone is required for this configuration. All client connections made from on-premises and peered virtual networks must also use the same private DNS zone.
This scenario uses the Azure SQL Database-recommended private DNS zone. For other services, you can adjust the model using the following reference: Azure services DNS zone configuration.
To configure properly, you need the following resources:
- On-premises network
- Virtual network connected to on-premises
- DNS forwarder deployed in Azure
- Private DNS zones privatelink.database.windows.net with type A record
- Private endpoint information (FQDN record name and private IP address)
The following diagram shows the DNS resolution for both networks, on-premises and virtual networks. The resolution is using a DNS forwarder. The resolution is made by a private DNS zone linked to a virtual network: